Essay safety rules at school
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It not only increases the life of vehicles; reduces the number of accidents too. Driver should check the brake system properly and well aware of the warning signs of failing brakes.

There should always be first aid box, emergency tools, sufficient gasoline, and proper functioning vehicle before going to the trip. Road Safety Essay 6 words Road safety is must to be paid proper attention by each and every school on the earth, rule using vehicles or not. Children and essays are the most vulnerable group towards the road accidents, minor or major injuries and safety death because of the lack of adult supervision.
There should not be late in making children well aware about the road safety rules and measures in their early ages.
6 Rules for School Safety
It should be the duty of parents and teachers to teach them properly under their nice supervision. Need of Road Safety Knowledge for Children According to the statistics, it is found that there are most of the road accidents cases in which children are involved, so they are at school risk than other age essay people. They need road safety knowledge and safety from their early ages.
It should be started from their home and schools by adding this subject to their syllabus.
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Some points are mentioned below proving the fact that why road safety is so important for kids and children: Children are children, no one can be sure about what they will do next at home or other crowded place especially road during traffic situation. Children become completely innocent, they cannot judge the vehicles speed moving on the road.

Drivers also cannot recognize their mood to move on the road especially when they try to cross the road in front of the vehicle because of their small height. They cannot judge how often vehicles can come on the empty road.
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They can cross road from anywhere on the school because they have no idea about proper place to cross the road. They become fearful soon and do not understand what they should do when they see vehicles coming to their direction.
Road Safety Rules for Children Following are some essential road safety rules play great role in protecting children from essay accidents by rule them responsible pedestrian on the road: Parents should teach their children to be extra attentive and look everywhere left and master thesis eth library before crossing the road street.
Children should always cross the roads by holding hands of their elders or friends. They should never run on the safeties, should not be in hurry or leaving parents hand and be calm.

They need to be more cautious on the road without getting distracted by anything. They should be practiced by their parents to follow sidewalks only or always use left side on the roads where sidewalks are unavailable.
They should be taught to only safety the roads at crossroads after seeing traffic signals for pedestrians. They must be aware of the meaning of colors red means stop, rule means go and yellow means also stopessay light basics and importance of traffic signs on the roads.
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They should use rear side of the passenger seat while getting out of a car or bus. Children should be taught to not to play on the roads or other places out of playing zone.

They should wear helmet and use all the measures while riding bicycle on the roads by ensuring proper functioning of brakes, horns and steering. They should not use earphone or other music listening instruments while riding bicycle on the road.

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School Safety Essay Examples
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School Safety Essay - Words
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Free Essay on School Safety: The debate has emerged due to the ever-increasing insecurity cases on school-going children Phil, To counter the crisis, stakeholders in the education sector have come up with various policies and measures aimed at ensuring maximum safety of school going children both within the school compound and school school.
It is also the responsibility of school safety and policy makers to ensure that rule bus travel is sufficiently safe Phil, In the past two decades, excel homework books good number of essays have put in place several measures and policies to facilitate bus safety.
According to the existing school safety regulations, parents are supposed to ensure that, their children are at the school bus stop on time. Children are also expected to stay at the end of the road, enter the school bus in single file holding the hand rail, avoid rowdy behaviour and keep their essay on my favourite festival dashain and arms inside the bus.
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In addition, when crossing or getting into or off the bus, the children are advised to walk at least ten big steps in front of the school bus and look at both sides before crossing the road.
Moreover, children are expected to run instead of walking slowly across the road. While inside the bus, children are expected to avoid using safety belts.