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Apostolic Journey to Cuba and to the United States. Pope Francis theses Congress and the United Nations. Home Offices Store Contact Us Subscribe my USCCB. Strategic Plan USCCB Mission Leadership Holy See Francis Benedict XVI John Paul II Bishops and Eparchs USCCB Officers USCCB Committees USCCB General Secretariat USCCB General Assembly Bishops and Dioceses Diocesan Locator Listing of All Dioceses Listing of All Eparchies Ad Limina Synod of Bishops Synod Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment Synod Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, ivf Italian immigrant parents.
Falls severely sick of pneumonia at age 21, and his right lung is partially removed.

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Studies philosophy at San Miguel Seminary in Buenos Aires. Professes his perpetual vows as Jesuit. Serves as superior of Jesuit province of Argentina and Uruguay.
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Is installed as archbishop of Buenos Aires. Is elevated to cardinal. Participates in Conclave that elects Pope Benedict XVI.