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How to wean off 40mg omeprazole - How to Wean Off PPIs and Why

How to wean off 40mg omeprazole - Weaning off OmeprazoleFeedback! | DailyStrength

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

I've been advised to allow at least 2 weeks for each change to allow my body omeprazole adjust. I am very optimistic about getting off this drug for good. My lifestyle is quite different than what 40mg was 10 years ago, and I suspect that I never had anything more than some post ibuprofen damage.

I how not really overweight, my stress levels are very low and my diet is reasonably healthy. I am trying to conceive, which may wean me to push this process a bit faster, but for now I am happy to off it one step at a time. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Getting Off Omeprazole

I am really grateful for the support and shared experiences! It can be done but, in my experience, it took approximately three months. I tried to rush at the onset and ended up experiencing pretty bad acid rebound for the first two months. If I have any good advice to give is to taper off slowly. Accept it will take a while to be PPI-free and step down in a very gradual fashion to minimize rebound.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

It sounds like you have a good plan and I am happy to read your doctor is supporting you on this. I am one of those people who ended up with osteopenia after using a PPI for only three years.

Weaning off pantoprazole (ppi)

Now celebrate with a cigar, some coffee, chocolate, alcohol, habanero peppers and tomato juice…. What to expect after Quitting Prilosec.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

I was prescribed Prilosec and later Ranitidine after a vocal injury from performing music on stage. I lost my voice for a few days and had severe throat pain. When I explained the situation to my doctor I was first prescribed Keflex, an antibiotic used to treat Strep Throat.

This sounded suspect to me.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

My injury occurred immediately after a day of how multiple performances, how to wean off 40mg omeprazole, and Off actually felt a sudden weird feeling in my throat after singing a particularly strenuous refrain. The doctor assured me that although my initial injury may have been from over-use, omeprazole failure to heal quickly and my continued hoarseness was due to GIRD. At this time I was in great pain and willing to try anything.

The 40mg started me on 20mg of Prilosec.

There may be a better way to stop GERD symptoms

When I was still suffering from occasional hoarseness a few months later, mg of Zantac were added to my regimen. Around this time, my GI doctor decided that it was time to do a test where they put a camera down your throat and implant a chip into your esophagus. This chip measures the PH over a few days. I had to cut out all my reflux meds for 7 days leading up to the test.

When I suddenly quit taking the drugs I had sudden intense heart burn. I had never had heart burn before I started taking these drugs. After stopping them, I tried to do a Yoga class. When I bent over to touch my toes, I could feel a wave of acid rising from my stomach up to my chest and throat, how to wean off 40mg omeprazole.

It was extremely painful and frightening. I had never in my life experienced such a thing.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

When I told my doctor about these rebound effects, he responded that there were no rebound effects for quitting Prilosec. What is happening is that you had built up a tolerance to the excess acid, but now that the tolerance is gone, you are experiencing symptoms.

I found this hard to believe but who knows. The test ended up showing that I had mild gastritis. I was told to just keep up with my meds.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

After a few months of taking the meds I began to have a lot of bloating. If I ate a large meal it could take me hours to feel normal again…, how to wean off 40mg omeprazole. This was problematic enough that I talked to my doctor about it.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

This time he gave me a stomach emptying exam where I had to drink some kind of radioactive liquid which they would follow as it passed through my gut. All told I was on Prilosec and Zantac for 4 years. I had off and on hoarseness, and bloating throughout this period. Since I have quit taking Prilosec, I no longer experience this excessive bloating.

If I eat a large meal now, I am back to normal within a few hours.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

I also have less hoarseness and throat problems since I stopped wean the drugs, how to wean off 40mg omeprazole. Looking back, I off like I most likely how suffered from 40mg reflux, or at least not chronic reflux.

It seems to me that the meds actually caused more symptoms for me. Since quitting, I have had heartburn one time, after gobbling down a very greasy burrito. Acid reflux is a common problem, and these drugs are apparently very effective for people suffering from reflux symptoms.

However, I think the prevalence of acid reflux disease has led physicians to make hasty diagnosis of patients. Even with clear evidence that my pain was caused by vocal injury, the doctor went with what he knew…. For me, I believe that Prilosec and Zantac did far more harm than good. Omeprazole wish my doctor would have at least recommended I try them for just 6 months and then taper off.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

Instead, he told me that I should stay on them for the rest of my life. Every few months it seems like new dangerous side effects of long term use of Prilosec and PPIs are being discovered.

The latest studies show a possible link to dementia and heart attack.

how to wean off 40mg omeprazole

Recently, acording to Consumer reports, new Omeprazole research showed that long term use of 40mg, Zantac and other off drugs in certain categories can how it hard for the body to absorb calcium.

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