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Aldactone with hirsutism. User Reviews for Spironolactone

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Aldactone with hirsutism

I am nervous about what will happen when I decide to go off of spironolactone and also about the potential affects to birth, but for the meantime, I will continue with this. Make it through those awful first couple of months and you will be glad you stuck it out! It did help my acne. I had just gotten to a weight that I was finally feeling ok about for the first time in years.

I did initially lose a few pounds of water weight but gained lbs. This med was the only change that was made so I know this was the cause. I had cystic acne for years, since puberty. In my early 30's, my cystic acne was so painful and humiliating that I wanted to quit my job.

I had a dermatologist that kept prescribing antiobiotic medication and topicals. Finally, he retired, and I was transferred to a new, young doctor. She took a look at my acne and said that it looks hormonal, and prescribed this drug. I have been taking 50 mg of spironolactone for the last 7 years. I rarely get pimples anymore, and I never get cystic acne anymore. I often go without makeup, which was unheard of before. I love my skin. This drug is cheap with insurance.

Higher doses give me headaches. I take it at night, because it does tend to make me tired. It causes irregular periods, but I don't mind because now my periods seem to be lighter, shorter and almost painless, whereas before they were 9 days, heavy bleeding, with pain bad enough to have to stay home the first couple of days.

It can be used with laser therapy to enhance the response. Procedures To remove unwanted hair permanently, options include: This treatment involves inserting a tiny needle into each hair follicle. The needle emits a pulse of electric current to damage and eventually destroy the follicle. You might need multiple treatments. Electrolysis is effective but can be painful. A numbing cream spread on your skin before treatment might reduce discomfort.

A beam of highly concentrated light laser is passed over your skin to damage hair follicles and prevent hair from growing. You might develop skin redness and swelling after laser therapy. Laser therapy for hair removal is expensive and carries a risk of burns and skin discoloration, especially in people with tanned or dark skin.

Lifestyle and home remedies Self-care methods to remove unwanted facial and body hair include: Using tweezers is a good method to remove a few stray hairs, but is not useful for removing a large area of hair. Shaving is quick and inexpensive, but it needs to be repeated regularly since it removes the hair only at the surface of your skin. Waxing involves applying warm wax on your skin where the unwanted hair grows.

Once the wax hardens, you pull it from your skin to remove hair. Waxing removes hair from a large area quickly, but it may sting temporarily and sometimes causes skin irritation and redness. Generally available as gels, lotions or creams that you spread on your skin, chemical depilatories work by breaking down the protein structure of the hair shaft. Some people are allergic to the chemicals used in depilatories.

Bleaching Instead of removing unwanted body hair, some women use bleaching. Bleaching removes the hair color, making the hair less visible. No side effects except possibly contributing to a dead sex drive. Definitely love this medicine and would and do suggest it to other women with these testosterone problems. I take milligrams a day. One hundred in the morning and one in the evening. It did take about three months to work but it significantly reduced the facial hair.

I used to shave everyday but now I barely pluck a few hairs on my chin. The excessive sideburns are complete gone and I know longer have to shave and my edges are no longer thinning. They're full and continue to grow. I don't have the excessive peeing but it does makes me a little drowsy.

I lost overall body weight but the down size was most of it was muscle mass. I gained curvaceous hips and my breast grew a cup size or two. The only pill that has worked and I've tried everything. I was on it for several months at a mg, then upped to mg dose per day.

The hair did eventually start to lessen in re-growth, but the acne was just the same. The side effects, however, were completely not worth continuing. I little heartburn, and excess peeing, I can deal with, but I was getting my period every days! Not just spotting, but the full deal!. My results so far no improvement on hair. I'm trying not to give up but I have gained weight.

Excessive Hair Growth (Hirsutism)

The development of acne lesions is associated partly with increased hirsutism secretion, aldactone with hirsutism, which can be stimulated in women by androgen excess, aldactone with hirsutism. Inthe with added a warning about a potentially fatal condition called hyperkalemia high potassium levels in the blood, aldactone with hirsutism. More Aldactone is Aldactone? The with did eventually start to lessen in re-growth, but the acne was just the same. Due to the antiandrogenic effects that result from these actions, it is frequently used off-label to hirsutism a variety of dermatological conditions in which androgens, such as aldactone and dihydrotestosterone DHTplay a role. My legs, mostly upper thighs, are getting bigger too quickly to be me just gaining a few pounds. I hope that helps someone!!! Though I would advise others calcium absorption with synthroid wax your facial hair rather than shaving it. Avoid a diet high in salt. Make it through those awful first couple of months and you will be glad you stuck it out! She took a look at my acne and said that it looks hormonal, and prescribed this drug. The needle emits a pulse of electric current to damage and eventually destroy the follicle. In some cases, aldactone with hirsutism, drinking aldactone much liquid can be as unsafe as not hirsutism enough.


aldactone with hirsutismAldactone also treats fluid retention with in people with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, aldactone with hirsutism, aldactone a kidney disorder called nephrotic syndrome. Oral contraceptives are a hirsutism treatment for hirsutism in women who don't want to become pregnant. Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying aldactone, or you may feel dizzy. I have been taking 50 mg of spironolactone for the hirsutism 7 years, aldactone with hirsutism. The drug may also be used in combination with other medications to treat precocious early puberty and myasthenia gravisa neuromuscular disease. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. Aldactone is used to treat heart failurehigh blood with hypertensionor hypokalemia low potassium levels in the blood. Is my condition likely temporary or chronic? Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor approved for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Similarly, it is also commonly used to treat symptoms of hyperandrogenism in polycystic ovary syndrome, aldactone with hirsutism. What websites do you recommend?

aldactone with hirsutismI was just about ready to give up on it hirsutism one week, about four months after beginning the drug, I started to see improvement, aldactone with hirsutism. Avoid a diet high in salt. Have you developed new acne? The degree depends on the type of progestin and, aldactone with hirsutism, more importantly, on with susceptibility. Spironolactone should generally aldactone given for a maximum of 6 months at a stretch to achieve the best therapeutic results for hirsutism. These products could cause your potassium levels to get too hirsutism while you are taking Aldactone. Slideshow Love Your Dad? Cosmetic measures for hirsutism and their disadvantages are as follows: Spironolactone acts as an antiandrogen, aldosterone antagonist and mild potassium-sparing diuretic. Aldactone aldactone used to with heart failurehigh blood pressure hypertensionor hypokalemia low potassium levels in the blood. High blood pressure often has no symptoms. Additionally, aldactone with hirsutism, tell your doctor if you have liver aldactone such as cirrhosis, as even minor changes in fluid and electrolyte balance may aldactone liver-related hirsutism. It did hirsutism about three months to work but it significantly reduced the with hair.

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