The cause is attributed to hereditary weakness in the veins aggravated by obesity, pregnancy, pressure from standing, aging, etc. The belly includes the stomach, as well as the intestines, liver, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, and urinary bladder. Cymbalta withdrawal Belching - Noisy release of gas from the stomach through the mouth; a burp. Cymbalta withdrawal Bloating - Swelling of the belly caused by excessive intestinal gas.
Cymbalta withdrawal Constipation - Difficulty in having a bowel movement where the material in the bowels is hard due to a lack of exercise, fluid intake, and roughage in the diet, or due to certain drugs. Cymbalta withdrawal Diarrhea - Unusually frequent and excessive runny bowel movements that may result in severe dehydration and shock. The discomfort one may experience after eating. It can be heartburn, gas, nausea, a bellyache or bloating. Cymbalta withdrawal Flatulence - More gas than normal in the digestive organs.
Cymbalta withdrawal Gastritis - A severe irritation of the mucus lining of the stomach, either short in duration or lasting for a long period of time. Cymbalta withdrawal Gastroenteritis - A condition in which the membranes of the stomach and intestines are irritated. Cymbalta withdrawal Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage - Excessive internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines. Cymbalta withdrawal Gastro Esophageal Reflux - A continuous state where stomach juices flow back into the throat causing acid indigestion and heartburn and possibly injury to the throat.
Cymbalta withdrawal Heartburn - A burning pain in the area of the breastbone caused by stomach juices flowing back up into the throat. Cymbalta withdrawal Hemorrhoids - Small rounded purplish swollen veins that bleed, itch or are painful, and appear around the anus.
Cymbalta withdrawal Nausea - Stomach irritation with a queasy sensation similar to motion sickness and a feeling that one is going to vomit. Cymbalta withdrawal Polyposis Gastric - Tumors that grow on stems in the lining of the stomach, which usually become cancerous.
Cymbalta withdrawal Toothache - Pain in a tooth above and below the gum line. Cymbalta withdrawal Vomiting - Involuntarily throwing up the contents of the stomach, usually accompanied by a nauseated, sick feeling just prior to doing so. More severely, a person can end up with an abnormal heart, as well as breathing and digestive difficulties. Cymbalta withdrawal Bruise- Damage to the skin resulting in a purple-green-yellow skin coloration that is caused by breaking the blood vessels in the area without breaking the surface of the skin.
Cymbalta withdrawal Nosebleed - Blood loss from the nose. Cymbalta withdrawal Hematoma - Broken blood vessels that cause a swelling in an area on the body.
The swelling is the result of the white blood cells multiplying in order to fight the invasion of the drug. Cymbalta withdrawal Arthropathy - Joint disease or abnormal joints. Cymbalta withdrawal Arthritis - Painfully inflamed and swollen joints. The reddened and swollen condition is brought on by a serious injury or shock to the body either from physical or emotional causes.
Cymbalta withdrawal Back Discomfort - Severe physical distress in the area from the neck to the pelvis along the backbone. Cymbalta withdrawal Bilirubin Increased - Bilirubin is a waste product of the breakdown of old blood cells. Bilirubin is sent to the liver to be made water-soluble so it can be eliminated from the body through emptying the bladder.
A drug can interfere with or damage this normal liver function, creating liver disease. Cymbalta withdrawal Decreased Weight - Uncontrolled and measured loss of heaviness or weight.
Cymbalta withdrawal Gout - A severe arthritis condition that is caused by the dumping of a waste product called uric acid into the tissues and joints. It can become worse and cause the body to develop a deformity after going through stages of pain, inflammation, severe tenderness and stiffness. Cymbalta withdrawal Hepatic Enzymes Increased - An increase in the amount of paired liver proteins that regulate liver processes causing a condition in which the liver functions abnormally.
Cymbalta withdrawal Hypercholesterolemia - Too much cholesterol in the blood cells. Cymbalta withdrawal Hyperglycemia - An unhealthy amount of sugar in the blood. Cymbalta withdrawal Increased Weight - A concentration and storage of fat in the body accumulating over a period of time caused by unhealthy eating patterns, a lack of physical activity, or an inability to process food correctly, that can predispose the body to many disorders and diseases.
Cymbalta withdrawal Jaw Pain - The pain due to irritation and swelling of the nerves associated with the mouth area where it opens and closes just in front of the ear.
Some of the symptoms are: Cymbalta withdrawal Jaw Stiffness - The result of squeezing and grinding the teeth while asleep that can cause your teeth to deteriorate, as well as the muscles and joints of the jaw.
Cymbalta withdrawal Joint Stiffness - A loss of free motion and easy flexibility where any two bones come together. Cymbalta withdrawal Muscle Cramp - When muscles contract uncontrollably without warning and do not relax. The muscles of any body organs can cramp.
Cymbalta withdrawal Muscle Stiffness - The tightening of muscles making it difficult to bend. Cymbalta withdrawal Muscle Weakness - Loss of physical strength. Cymbalta withdrawal Myalgia - A general widespread pain and tenderness of the muscles.
Cymbalta withdrawal Coordination Abnormal - A lack of normal, harmonious interaction of the parts of the body when it is in motion. Cymbalta withdrawal Disequilibrium - Lack of mental and emotional balance. Cymbalta withdrawal Faintness - A temporary condition in which one is likely to become unconscious and fall.
Cymbalta withdrawal Headache - A sharp or dull persistent pain in the head. Cymbalta withdrawal Hyperreflexia - A not normal abnormal and involuntary increased response in the tissues connecting the bones to the muscles. Cymbalta withdrawal Light-Headed Feeling — An uncontrolled and usually brief loss of consciousness usually caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. Cymbalta withdrawal Migraine - Recurring severe head pain sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flashes or spots before the eyes, and ringing in the ears.
Cymbalta withdrawal Muscle Contractions Involuntary — A spontaneous and uncontrollable tightening reaction of the muscles caused by electrical impulses from the nervous system. Cymbalta withdrawal Muscular Tone Increased - Uncontrolled and exaggerated muscle tension. Muscles are normally partially tensed and this is what gives us muscle tone. Cymbalta withdrawal Paresthesia - Burning, prickly, itchy, or tingling skin with no obvious or understood physical cause.
Cymbalta withdrawal Restless Legs - A need to move the legs without any apparent reason. Sometimes there is pain, twitching, jerking, cramping, burning, or a creepy-crawly sensation associated with the movements.
It worsens when a person is inactive, and can interrupt sleep so one feels the need to move to gain some relief. Cymbalta withdrawal Shaking - Uncontrolled quivering and trembling as if one is cold and chilled. Cymbalta withdrawal Sluggishness - Lack of alertness and energy, as well as being slow to respond or perform in life.
Cymbalta withdrawal Tics - A contraction of a muscle causing a repeated movement not under the control of the person, usually on the face or limbs. Cymbalta withdrawal Tremor - A nervous and involuntary vibrating or quivering of the body. Cymbalta withdrawal Twitching - Sharp, jerky and spastic motion, sometimes with a sharp sudden pain. Cymbalta withdrawal Vertigo - A sensation of dizziness with disorientation and confusion. Cymbalta withdrawal Agitation — A suddenly violent and forceful emotionally disturbed state of mind.
Cymbalta withdrawal Amnesia - Long term or short term, partial or full memory loss created by emotional or physical shock, severe illness, or a blow to the head where the person was caused pain and became unconscious.
Cymbalta withdrawal Anxiety Attack- Sudden and intense feelings of fear, terror, and dread, physically creating shortness of breath, sweating, trembling and heart palpitations. Cymbalta withdrawal Apathy - Complete lack of concern or interest for things that ordinarily would be regarded as important or would normally cause concern. Cymbalta withdrawal Appetite Decreased - Having a lack of appetite despite the ordinary caloric demands of living, with a resulting unintentional loss of weight.
Cymbalta withdrawal Appetite Increased - An unusual hunger causing one to overeat. Cymbalta withdrawal Auditory Hallucination - Hearing things without the voices or noises being present. Cymbalta withdrawal Bruxism - Grinding and clenching of teeth while sleeping. Cymbalta withdrawal Carbohydrate Craving - A drive or craving to eat foods rich in sugar and starches sweets, snacks and junk foods that intensifies as the diet becomes more and more unbalanced due to the unbalancing of the proper nutritional requirements of the body.
Cymbalta withdrawal Concentration Impaired - Unable to easily focus your attention for long periods of time.
Cymbalta withdrawal Confusion — An inability to think clearly or understand, preventing logical decision-making. Cymbalta withdrawal Crying Abnormal - Unusual and not normal abnormal fits of weeping for short or long periods of time for no apparent reason. Cymbalta withdrawal Depersonalization - A condition in which one has lost a normal sense of personal identity. I recently have been pretty depressed however I can cover it up really well and my psychiatrist switched me to Effexor which was terrible for me.
I really want to get off and see what I can do naturally for myself. Very strange and disconcerting. Take the capsules apart and begin by removing 5 or 10 of the tiny balls inside. Do this for a week or so, then slowly increase the amount you remove each week or two as you can tolerate it. He instructed me to wean off over a two to three week period and I almost lost my mind.
I did it myself over about a YEAR or more. I am completely off now and feeling GOOD. Taking Cymbalta for peripheral neuropathy added ED as a side affect of the drug. I have great libido now and am working on minimizing the Cymbalta pills. In the meantime I have been prescribed Cialis for the ED. Each pill solves the sex problem for a couple of days. I only took Cymbalta for 2 months, but the side effects from stopping it are horrible.
I would never have taken it for my neck pain if I had known about the likelihood of side effects. The worst part for me is the dizziness, the brain zings and the sudden burst of tears for no reason. I will tell you this, I see one of the most respected doctors in the world in this field, located in Boston, MA.
This is what he told me: Cymbalta comes out of your system very quickly, within days, where other drugs, such as Prozac gradually come out of your system. The side effects people have is your body reacting to this sudden change. What my doctor did was put me on another anti-depressant at the same time Prozac. As I previously stated, Cymbalta coming out of your system very quickly. Prozac does not, it takes a few weeks.
This is how it worked for me: I took 20 mg of Prozac for a week, along with my 20 mg of Cymbalta 20 mg of Cymbalta was what I took all along.
After a week, I was told to cut the Prozac I took the generic brand so I was able to split it in half in half and take 10 mg for a week, again along with my regular dose of Cymbalta. After one more week two weeks all together I stopped the Cymbalta all together. I continued to take the 10 mg of Prozac for one more week and the stopped taking that all together. Once this was done, I was switched over to Wellbutrin, a drug my doctor felt would better work for me.
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