However, through all of this, I was going through some tough experiences, which absolutely did not help. On top of all of that, I could not stay awake in class no matter how much coffee was in me I tried to not use caffeine as a supplement at first, but I slowly worked my way up to 5 cups a day.
Once I was back on my full dosage of methylphenidate about a year after I started weaning off , I had my last physics course. I tried to open my textbook and I was amazed that I could actually read it this time. Finally again, my alarm would go off, and I would feel energized and ready for the day. It was a failed experiment to go off of my meds. Now that I am back on, I feel happier, awake and alert, and I can read. I also do not feel the need to consume any caffeine at all and I have lost the bit of weight that I had gained from being off of my meds.
I thought that going off my meds would show me that I could live my life perfectly fine without them. But it seems that after having started taking methylphenidate when I was 8 years old, it is an integral part of my physiology that would take perhaps years to reshape if I so decided to get off of my meds again. Reply Link Jishad K. P March 8, , 9: I have been on Ritalin for the last 18 months and suddenly my Dr.
After 17 days of stopping it, I again started taking it for 9 days and then again stopped it for 21 days. However, once I reach back home from the treatment center, I found out 20 tablets of 20 mg left with me. So please advice me on what to do and will I go through the same severe withdrawal I have gone through earlier? Will it again take the same amount of time for recovering from it? Reply Link Marcel Venter December 12, , 6: Reply Link Barry December 6, , 4: Will a cold turkey be the only way to end this misery?
Tommy d November 14, , I feel a little depressed, want to and do sleep more, feel fatigued and lethargic, and drink a ton of coffee now. Reply Link Mary August 8, , 4: I have been on Ritalin for around 30 yrs. I mentioned to him I would like to come off and he did agree. Waiting to hear from him on how to go about. The quicker I am off the better!! I have been on the same dose for 15 yrs 20 SR in a.
It is still very hard lethargy, depression, lack of focus or care, suicidal ideation but has gotten better as less brooding after the second month. This is one heck of a kicker for me — and still going! Check out the article on Adderall withdrawal on this site; has many more comments that suggest a wide range of withdrawal symptoms and duration relative to individuality. Reply Link jerry August 5, , 4: I take ritalin 40mg slow release daily and really struggle at the end of the day. During crashes I sometimes experience a combination of slight anxiety best characterised as not feeling comfortable in my own skin and hyperstimulation in the form of micro panic attacks.
I feel like I have to remember who I am in my social interactions and that I am hanging onto my identity by a thread.
Reply Link Rosie July 30, , 5: I only took Medikinet, also methylphenidate, for ADHD for only 44 — 46 days not sure which and only took 25mg throughout the day. It was only meant to be starting dose. The improvements were evident but slight.
Mostly I felt more alert, a little calmer, a little more able to get stuff done and a little less mentally foggy generally. However, like Equasym did to me, Medikinet gave me acne, and it was starting to do that red, sore, furious thing on my face.
Having lived a life ravaged by mental health problems all I ask is that I can be on remedial medications without having my appearance too marred also. Although my subjective experience of this is currently very lame, I believe that my withdrawals may be minor but that other factors may be at play in the mix.
Whatever the factors in my current state, this article has been a great help in clarifying the potential dangers of coming off a methylphenidate-based drug. I am disappointed to have to rule out medication for my ADHD yet again due to an acne side effect but all the stimulants seem to have testimonial evidence of causing acne. Psychiatrists offer no solutions, at least in my experience. Reply Link Bryan March 29, , 9: So no one is engaged in the debate of the usefulness of psychotropic medicines, but instead of the indefinite use of such powerful drugs, sometimes, in lieu of exercise, good health and good mental hygiene prayer, the examine, meditation good friendship and spiritual direction or sponsorship , which current research shows can be just as effective in the long term.
Linda McDaniel December 8, at I am having, what I believe is, withdrawls from Cymbalta. First of all, how are you feeling? My symptons seem to be body pain in general, stomach ache, and some vomiting. Do you think this could be due to stopping Cymbalta? I was taking one 60 mg a day for about 5 years. With doctors advice I began taking 1 everyother day for 3 months, then recently I went down to taking 1 time a week.
It has been about 10 days since I have take any, and I feel miserable. What do you think? What is your thoughts on my tapering off the way I did to now, 10 days, not taking any. I am considering on taking just one to see if it would make me feel better which would rule out any question, in my mind, if the pain is due to Cymbalta Thanks for listening. Tracy December 17, at This has been going on since end of Oct. I am now day 4 without Cymbalta, have been weening off over the last weeks.
I actually found this site through the FDA, because I was searching to see if what I am currently experiencing is from withdraw. This totally does suck, but I have to stick this out I want off. I wish everyone the best of luck who is experiencing this, Kiwi January 6, at However, because of unexplained blurry vision, weight gain and a general lack of interest in my former passions art, horses, etc.
My Rheumatologist agrees with my plan and I have his support. I will deal with the pain in another fashion. I found one plan for reduction online that did not work for me so I developed another that is working very well.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of what I am in the process of doing, please email me privately. Kiwi January 7, at I have not yet read the articles on this site but would imagine this point has been brought up in the past. Susan Harrigan January 8, at 8: Any help would be great. Hope January 24, at 2: Remove urself from this thread. Ur doing everyone here who is suffering from something very real, a disservice with ur ignorance.
It started when I got tired of still feeling depressed on 60 mg and I too got sick if I missed a dose. You may be Kais mama, but you arent mine. I am hoping to receive an actual answer. Thanks for your time. KA kaismama 20 May and when you end up in the er, a nurse, such as myself, will tell you the same thing PO powellpassion 19 Oct I have an issue getting off lexapro too. But theres a bigger issue: I'm on multiple medications, some including Novaine, depacote, respiradole or something like that , trazedone, yazmine my birth control that failed to work , and a few others for depression, insomnia, psychosis, and anxiety that I may have failed to name.
I also take extremely high doses of these.
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