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Cymbalta Warning: Discontinuing May Result in Severe Withdrawal Symptoms - Prohealth

Effexor withdrawal day 8

This is a horrible drug. I pray we all can successfully wean off if it! T November 27, at Example shampoo, body wash, air fresheners, etc.. My taste has also changed and there are very few foods I can eat. Even drinking water or taking Tylenol burns my stomach.

I also have ringing in ears, mood swings and more. Frankfft December 15, at 5: I would get mad at my psychologist, but thats a pointless effort as I had the power to figure out this information on my own. Narcolepsy January 3, at 8: Decided to no longer pay for my monthly Cymbalta Prescription. This was from a head injury from a severe fall at work. I was fortunate to be treated by the best, most experienced sleep disorder Nuerologist in California!

Point is, I moved to Arizona Love it here in Bisbee founded ! So I was denied payment From a technical CA. Co retained a 3rd party, who in turn retained thier subsidiary to require my prescribing Dr. I am glad for the article! I thought I was going crazy!!! I was on this medication before, and when i went off of them; the last time, I went through the worst pain ever, and did not even though it was withdrawal until I read all of these different people up here that went through the same thing that I went through.

Nothing helps my fibromyalgia and nothing helps my mental illnesses nothing but if people just leave me alone that would sure help me but I refuse to keep being used as a medical guinea pig for all of this medication. I withdrew from Cymbalta 60mg twice!! The first time I was feeling really normal and dropped to 30mg for a few months then tapered off that. It ruined my budding career. I went back on the 60mg even though I could barely afford it.

The switch to sertraline was a quick — 3 weeks from 60mg Cymbalta to full dose of sertraline. Of course there was withdrawal but not nearly so debilitating. Not ideal, but better than the Withdrawal Syndrome. Has anyone had similar experience? Dralice78 February 11, at 9: That broke the pain cycle. Perhaps you did not respond to a much lower dose doctors can be chicken about larger doses if they are not a Rheumatologist or Neurologist.

Those folks are very accustomed to pushing the dose to effect. It really helps me to sleep. You really need Jesus to help you. He is the only healer Who has been successful in helping me through these miseries.

Tune in Kenneth Hagin on YouTube for good help. He always inspires me because God saved him through several episodes of near death when he had a terminal illness in childhood and adolescence. I have been taking Cymbalta for many years now. One time I had to go off of it cold turkey for 7 days for a round of antibiotics that do not work with Cymbalta. That was the worst 5 days of my life as I cried for no reason, was cranky, had terrible nightmares and wanted to die.

After the 7 days, I stopped taking the antibiotic and went back to the Cymbalta. The bad part was that my doctor said I should stop cold turkey to take these antibiotics. This tells me that doctors are no where close to learning the downfalls of taking this medication. I was put on it for fibromyalgia. Please educate our doctors on this horrible medication. Melissa74 October 18, at 7: Only 30mg before she started suffering side effects. Insomnia and bad muscle cramps, increased sweating that continued after she got over a sinus infection.

The Viva lab Krill Oil was quite moderate buying six bottles of tablets at a time at about 20 a bottle discounted.

I'm certainly going to continue with the Krill oil. I had been taking Effexor 75 mg for six or seven years, so either I was very lucky, or the regiment that I listed above was effective. This is not a paid popliteal announcement, but hopefully somebody out there will find this helpful. Good Luck, Topcatroyal 20 ranson 11 Mar Omega are for brain function according to my pcp.

I have been taking them, b, b complex. AR arstneio 21 Apr Freeze your bottle of fish oil pills and the taste should go away. And if the pills begin to stick to each other in the freezer, shake up the bottle.

EM emily 27 Apr I was having those horrible brain zaps and I took Dramamine the less drowsy kind as well as 2 fish oil odorless and burpless twice a day and a vitamin C tab once a day and my symptoms are non existent. KL Klaudia 25 May Unfortunately there is no exact time as to when the withdrawal symptoms go away. I'm on day 16 and had a very tough 4 last days with migraines that drove me to the er today.

The fish oil does help but the worst are the zaps in your head that feel Licke you just licked a battery. The only thing I can say it does get better day by day and not taking it is the best thing for me. I feel that Effexor needs stronger warning labels because I've read tons of boards where people all have these symptoms and are truly suffering LI lisa 30 May I've been taking Effexor XR over 12 plus years. I've been taking mg and recently cut it to mg.

I do not feel so good at all. Extremely nauseated,sweats,shakes and just not feeling good at all. Weird dreams head feels funny just not feeling all that good. Any suggestions would be great. I just started the tapering. There has to be light at the end of the tunnel and so much to life than this. Have been on these tablets for 3 months and now have insomnia. I am menapausal 57 years of age so want to stop takimg them, was om antidepressants 2years ago and was weaned of them.

I am going to find alternatives to these drugs homeopathy or simular. The weight gain makes me feel worse than i did before i took them. I take 40mg per day, i told my doctor about the side effects but his suggestion was to see a shrink and take a higher dose. The higher dose made me fly off with the fairies and really vague. Everytime i went and saw a shrink, it made me feel really depressed just talking about bad things all the time.

I was taking citalopram for about 12years, felt it was becoming ineffective, doctor put it up to 40mg for the last month, now just have no interest in anything ,feel my mind is numb and want to return to whatever my normal self is or was when I was drug-free.

Any idea on how to avoid severe withdrawal, think I may have to reduce from 40mg to 35mg per week, wish I had never let this stuff affect me so adversely. Although the thought of being on Citalopram for the rest of my life is not great,i would rather that than be totally panicked out and full of anxiety all the time as i was before.

I would hate to go back to that again so it is the lesser of two evils in my opinion. By I took some medicine for my mental problems for a couples months until I felt better and stop taking more medicine. I kept doing same old staff. I kept drinking, sex, and getting in trouble with the law. Last year I had a bad year. My brain felt drying like I need more medicine right away after so many years I stop taking it. From to I did not took any medicine for my mental problems but I got into a lot problems.

The reason I got into a lot of problems was because of lock of knowledge. I went to college, played soccer for college, I played soccer for a couples of years, I ran 15 miles a day for 2 months every year, and the days that I worked I ran 5 miles per day, 6 days out of the week. I took some vocational courses too. My experience with PTSD since is: I take medicine when I needed only, and I rely more on my training.

I rely more on my training, like: What to do when I feel angry? What to do when I am depress? What to do when I am irritated?

What to do when I am becoming anxious? What to do when I want to race my car? What to do when a police stop me while I am sppeding? What to do when somebody want to fight? What places should I go and not to go? What to do when I argue with my wife? Well, when I am tired after an argument with my wife I rest. I go to bed or go out and wait a few hours or a few days to let my anger or frustration go away. I have suffered from anxiety and depression all my life.

Self-medication was my chosen solution. So I have been addicted and come off cigarettes, alcohol, amphetamines and cannabis. More recently I moved on to downers — bezodiapines. They were the worst of the lot. Extremely addictive and a bitch to come off.

I did manage under supervision to come off and during the withdrawal I was given anti-depressants. Now after benzos I reckon everything else is a doddle. I am on 20 mg of citolapram and will come off these over the spring and summer.

After that no more chemicals for my body. I have to say though that benzos, unlike everything else required that I put myself under medical supervision which cost a lot of money in order to conquer my addiction. Good luck to all — it is not as difficult as it sounds. Hi, I have been on cipramil and citalopram whats the difference? I have tried to come off of them 4 times, and had a breakdown every time. Yes, they are great for anxiety and certainly help me.

BUT the way I see it is I trade in not crying and panicking all the time for the side effects — which are also not easy to live with. I have a stuffed up nose nearly all the time, night sweats, tiredness, cant lose weight despite sticking to calories a day and I am morbidly obese, and general lack of get-up-and-go and motivation for life.

Then I have tried slowly tapering off over several months several times, the last time from Sept to last week 4 feb back on them - do quite well going down from 20mg to 10mg apart from dilated pupils and feeling like Ive got flu and really ill but I can get up in the mornings and get on with life!

When I went to 10 every other day it was ok at first then the panic hit me with full force and depression etc. Im so torn and feel trapped. I dont want to be on them, I just want a normal life.

I am a christian and pray that God will heal me. Im 37 now, will I ever come off them in time to have kids?? All I can do for now is keep taking them and hope my doctor will finally send me for cognitive therapy.

God bless you all. You are not alone. There are thousands like us. I think, from my personal experience only remember I am not a doctor that slowly slowly is the best approach.

I reduced the dose by a crumb, and stayed like that for a month, then a tiny tiny little bit less…really slow withdrawal. And hassle that doctor for the CBT! Good luck and all the best! I am about to statrt ciprilmil, having been on effexor and weaned myself off as they increased my desire for alcohol to an extreme level. I have fallen in a heap emotionally, cognitively and now have had to face the painful reality that I am depressed again!

For me I believe that depression is a result of many contributing factors, from genes more frequent in those of us that have it in our families , to our own mothers pregnancy — go ahead — do some research into the biological basis of depression.

There are many studies that show our brains are changes whilst in our mothers bellies if they were stressed whilst pregnent. What does this mean — well that we are born with brains wired differently to to others, our brains are actually primed for oversensitisation to stress and anxiety. We can spend a whole lot of time feeling ripped off oabout this — but thems the facts and we can work with them. So what can we do about it…The result of stress and anxiety in our adult is it depletes us biochemically, it burns up our brain fuel and we crash.

Stress and anxiety lead to our adrenal glands becoming depleted google stress response — Hans Selye — our neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine etc all those chemicals that make us feel good and govern pleasure and addiction get messed up. If we are stressed we cannot digest our food properly — we dont absorb our nutrients. If we do not consume adequate protein we cannot get anough tryptophan an amino acid to make serotonin.

So there are things out there to assist if you have mild depression, things like 5 HTP 5-hydroxy tryptophan — an amino acid , St Johns wort Check the Flordis website for clinical trials , phenylethylamine, herbs such as licorice, withania, rhodiola. Exercise, yoga and meditation all have been proven to reduce depression. Biofeedback is an incredibly promising tool to help us relarn how to respond to environmental stressors. Books such as The brain that chanes it self are very hopeful, because this book in particular teaches us that we can rewire our brain.

It is a bit like our responses to things that stress us will fire a certain pathway in the brain take the same route to work everyday and you will get the same experience and destination but by challenging our responses — becoming aware of them using biofeedback or cognitive behavioral therapy we forge new pathways — new more healthy responses.

This describes too our habits — just do something enough times and we create a new path in our brain. Hard yes, easy no, exciting — hell yeah!

Most of all as others have mentioned — a change in the stress in your lives — it is your life and your choice as to what you have in it. Rather than asking why…why am I depressed, why me…ask how? How can I reduce stress, How can I get a different job, how can I improve the relationships around me that might be placing demands on me?

How can I restructure things so it is easier. See counselling or a good psych to help you no matter what you have been through or what you are curently going through. Yes the drugs help — but really they give us a life line — buy us some time where we can gain some clarity to make these changes. Otherwise it is like going on a diet to lose weight, achieving our goal weight and then coming off the diet just to reverting to our old diet and habits and then are shocked to find our weight goes back to where it was before the diet.

If the alternative is suicide because depression is so severe, give yourself a break about being on the drugs, the last thing you need is to be anxious about that as well! Best wishes to everyone and may your journey be a rich and amazing one! Was taking 20mg, went down to 10mg for about a year and now my doc says to continue with 10mg every other day.

Very, very short fused!!! Everyone is right though about the weight gain and loss of interest in sex! Hopefully they will be rectified after I am completly done. Has anyone mananged to come off treatment and feel better than they did before going on? How long do the withdrawl symptoms last? Hi i have been on citalopram 20mg for just over a year, Me and my partner want to get pregnant so I need to come off them. I am scared after reading all the comments about withdrawal etc.

My GP assured me when i started taking them that they are not addictive. I have made an appt with my GP to discuss our plans for a family, and to come off these tablets. Is there an alternative form of medication or herbal alternative?

On 40mg Citalapram for 5 years. Situation changed and I was more in control; the circumstances that triggered the depression were no longer part ofmy life. I moved to Spain and wake up with the sun and sea; my lie now is very simple, exercise regularly again, things no longer get me down, I have a new partner and all was great so doctor and I agreed it was time to come off. I reduced bu 10mg a month, ie down to 30 then to 20, to 10 and then off.

Still saw Dr each month for assessment. Been off completely for a week now and funny things are happening. Sex drive is down but warming up whatever way one can seems to help; started waking up with headaches and a stuffed up nose.

Weight gain is starting to be an issue but I am starting regular exercis again. One big problem is that I feel as though I want to cry quite often.

It has only been a week and I am just going to roll with the punches and do what my body tells me is right, hopefully that will work.

Anybody got any idea if all this is normal and how long it will last. Felt OK the first 3 days, but now really irritable, tired, fed up and nursing a headache. I could get to pick up my prescription tomorrow, but am tempted to just give them up if I can. I hate the Wellbutrin! Just had a good cry in the restroom at work. I really want to not take anything. I think I am going to start back with the Celexa and start the every other day, then every 2 days, etc.

Hope I will be ok. Never was depressed before my husband passed. I am happy now — life is good. Found a good man, finances are ok. Thanks for all the good info.

I will let you know how it goes. Please help…I have been on Citalopram 40 mg for 6 years. I started to help get over a painful divorce. My dr agrees that I can come off the Citalopram and have done so gradually.

First with 20 mg every day for a month, than 20 mg every other day for another month and so on. I get headaches, dizzy feelings, facial numbness, agitation, sleeplessness, vivid dreams, etc. Please someone tell me how you have been able to stop taking them.

Hi All Glad I came across this site as realise not only one feeling like this. I have been on Citalopram for two years for anxiety and depression. It took my doc quite a few hard months to persuade me to take them but am so thankful she did. I felt so much better once the tablets kicked in and went up to 20mg. I am now at the stage where my life situation is better and feel time is right to come off. However, since reducing my dose doc suggested taking 10mg ever other day.

However, I am now experiencing bouts of intense rage which is really scary. I am shouting and swearing at the least little thing…the other day I dropped something in the kitchen and I just kicked off.

Any others experiencing this feeling of anger, irritability?? I found a site where some other people are going through same thing.

Im on 10 right now aug. I am now much calmer and have less anxiety and panic attacks. This enables me to have a good nights sleep, and start eating again. It took about 4 days to notice any difference and a full week to see the benefits.

How long does Wellbutrin withdrawal last?

Side effects became so bad had to quit. YES, even the SR withdrawals can be halved bc the ingredient effexor sustains their release is evenly mixed throughout that tablet, effexor withdrawal day 8. I tried CBD oil and that withdrawals appear to help some people. Let them know the ways in which they can help you. Effexor wish I had read this before starting to take this drug. I do not feel so good at all. For all of you suffering out there from getting off of this medication, stay strong. In effexor, the dramatic fatigue and extreme sleepiness and being exhausted despite tons of sleep, and again coffee doesnt help. I also can take a small dose of Xanax if needed, effexor withdrawal day 8, and I was, 3 times a day… now down to 1 if I need it, effexor withdrawal day 8. I just hope the symptoms lighten up. Thanks day everyone sharing. Exercise helps produce serotonin and can have a powerful antidepressant effect. I was on sr for only 4 withdrawals. This process has gone on for a couple of months. Patients undergoing hemodialysis should reduce the dose by 50 percent. When I did some research on the Internet, I found articles alleging that it was dangerous to skip doses completely in this way and that doing so made it more likely that I would experience day effects from the withdrawal and that day side effects would be more severe.

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