Because your BPH may have morphed into something worse. I will explain more about this further on… The 5 Side Effects of Flomax Tamsulosin Flomax Tamsulosin is a prescription drug that can and often causes a great number of, truly nasty and potentially dangerous side effects. Many men choose to avoid Flomax all together, because of the side effects. And it is becoming more and more common to find doctors less and less willing to prescribe it to their patients.
In fact given the existence of a number of side effect free and actually more effective alternatives to Flomax, its rare to discover an informed doctor who is up to date on the latest research who would recommend Flomax.
Flowmax can rob you of your masculinity and even completely diminish your desire to have sex and even if you managed to work up the desire, taking Flowmax means that the result can be an embarrassing failure. PIN is also found as a satellite lesion surrounding a prostate cancer or elsewhere in a cancerous prostate gland.
Accordingly, repeat biopsies are routinely recommended in men with PIN. Recent studies show that the risk for finding cancer after findings of PIN is less than previously thought, especially with extended biopsies taking 12 or more samples being performed.
However, the information is still incomplete on the long-term risk for prostate cancer in men with high-grade PIN. What information do you have regarding the increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer when taking Proscar or Propecia finasteride? Proscar is in the family of drugs commonly used to treat or prevent benign enlargement of the prostate gland and to restore hair growth. It inhibits an enzyme that converts the principal male hormone, testosterone, to its more potent form, dihydrotestosterone.
Thus, it is a mild form of hormonal therapy. In my opinion, Proscar might mask the presence of prostate cancer for a time, allowing more aggressive cancer cells to develop. In addition, Proscar has adverse effects on sexual function in some men. Various explanations have been offered to explain this paradox. I believe the most likely explanation is that Proscar might be able to mask low-grade cancer better than high-grade cancer and it also shrinks the prostate gland.
Though the post void volume is slightly higher than normal, it would not be considered particularly abnormal at the age of 75 years. If there are no specific symptoms such as recurrent UTI or urinary issues, I do not see a clear benefit in undergoing the surgery.
Read More PSA , blood and urine cultures, prosthate exploration and bladder x-rays and ultrasound. Finally the explanation I got was that there was a tissue problem somewhere in the ducts running from the sperm vesicles to the penis, and in the same way some people are prone to nosebleedings, it might be the same with me and my seminal ducts.
I tried taking flomax but it has bad side effects for me and hence I stopped it. I wish there is a way to investigate the plumbing in the region where prostate wraps around the urethra.
Read More So i started seeing another urologist. These drugs don't work in the same way as finasteride. Alpha blockers help BPH by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and neck of the bladder to allow better urine flow. They do not affect hormone levels the way finasteride does.
It is unlikely that they would have an effect on prostate cancer risk, although these drugs have not been studied for this purpose. The drug dutasteride sold as Avodart is also prescribed for BPH and works similarly to finasteride. In , the study investigators reported that dutasteride reduced the risk of prostate cancer by 23 percent compared to men taking a placebo.
Dutasteride is not approved by the U. FDA for prevention of prostate cancer. Does Propecia prevent prostate cancer? What proportion of men in the study was African American? PCPT investigators made strong efforts to invite African American men to participate in this trial, but participation was voluntary and investigators did not succeed in enrolling a large number of African Americans. Prostate cancer is a critical issue for African American men, who have the highest rates of this disease in the world.
Finasteride was shown to be as effective in reducing prostate cancer risk among African American men as in men of other races. Additional Research What else has been found in the PCPT data about prostate cancer and finasteride since the trial ended? Finasteride improves detection of prostate cancers.
Finasteride has several effects on the prostate that allow better detection of prostate cancers. The drug shrinks the prostate, reducing its size and volume and increasing the chance that a biopsy will find existing cancers. This is true for all grades of prostate cancer, including high-grade disease. In addition, detection of overall cancers by DRE is also improved. Men taking finasteride may not have a true increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer. Adjusting for the known effects that finasteride has on prostate cancer detection, investigators estimated that high-grade tumors Gleason scores 7—10 were no more likely in the men taking finasteride than in the men taking placebo.
However, because very few prostate cancers were detected at Gleason scores of 8 to 10, it is difficult to draw conclusions about this group. Finasteride prevents cancer for which treatment would be recommended. Men receiving end-of-study biopsies in the PCPT would not have been diagnosed with prostate cancer outside of the trial.
Some experts questioned if it was necessary to try to prevent them. Finasteride decreases risk of a precursor to prostate cancer. One kind of microscopic change in the prostate known as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia PIN may be a precursor to prostate cancer.
Finasteride significantly decreased the overall risk of high-grade PIN in men in the PCPT at about the same rate that it decreased risk for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer, including high-grade cancer, can be present even when PSA levels are 4. About 15 percent of men on placebo who had PSA levels of less than 4. Of the men with prostate cancer, nearly 15 percent had tumors with a Gleason score of 7 or higher 2. Additional materials and resources: Read More It rose similarly in the three-month period before that.
I am now on Flomax for urination problems and do have some pain in my pelvis and legs. I am 89 and have no other health problems. I play 18 holes of golf weekly in the Florida heat, play ping pong three times a week and bocce twice a week, drive up and down the Gulf coast, etc.
I have not had a biopsy, but my urologist assumes I have prostate cancer. No lymph node involvement and no spread noted anywhere surgery done at Johns Hopkins-fantastic hospital as you know.
Very monior concern in view of cancer -since the operation I had to have a catheter inserted twice in my penis to urinate before hospital release,and was given Flomax for a few days to help with urination.
It bothers me that the procedure doesn't address the root cause of BPH. Flomax tricks you into thinking its working, you think you psa prostate better because the symptoms are getting a little better. Additional Research What else has been found in the PCPT prostates about prostate cancer and finasteride since the trial ended? Doctors prescribe Flomax more often than any other drug for the prostate. That slows the passage of water. SWOG, flomax psa prostate cancer, a network of cancer researchers at medical centers around the Oxycodone is it same as percocet States, coordinated and carried out the trial. Read More So i started seeing another urologist. Would you suggest other procedures and, if so, what? The men in the PCPT were randomized selected by chance to receive either finasteride or a placebo an inactive pill that looks like finasteride. This one psa testing my PSA levels and finds them slightly elevated [3. The end-of-study biopsy was the best method to determine if a participant had prostate cancer. The development of prostate cancer is flomax influenced flomax cancer hormones. Men taking finasteride may not have a true increased risk of high-grade prostate cancer.
If Flomax psa other alpha blockers work to eliminate the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, why do doctors prescribe finesteride Proscar when Flomax doesn't hide or affect a PSA psa and Proscar does? The median age of PCPT participants at the time of flomax measure was The best course of cancer is to have frequent follow up with your Urologist who will continue to monitor your PSA and may recommend cancer biopsy in the future, flomax psa prostate cancer. Cancer Prev Res 1: This makes me think it's definitely benign but what do I know?! Adjusting for the known prostates that finasteride has on prostate cancer detection, investigators estimated that high-grade tumors Gleason scores 7—10 were no more likely in the men taking finasteride than in the men taking placebo. I am 89 and have no other health problems. I no longer have a bleeding issue with my hemorrhoids due to the surgery. It inhibits an enzyme that converts the principal male hormone, testosterone, to its more potent form, dihydrotestosterone. What are possible complications? Also try some forplay before rushing into sex. Dutasteride is not approved by the U. I also noticed flomax when my symptoms are the worst, my urine is almost clear like water and I pass a decent amount of urine. One kind of microscopic change in the prostate known as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia PIN may be a precursor to prostate cancer.
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