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Most effective way oxycodone. M.D. recommended

Most Effective Way To Lower Ldl Cholesterol - Asian Detox Diet Tea Most Effective Way To Lower Ldl Cholesterol Green Tea Detoxing Water As A Natural Detox.

There is no way that I will go to the hospital as they will remove my pain killers. I have a deeper respect for them now. The suicidal thoughts took 3 days to subside. I also experience my body over-heating. Im to the point where I can do 5 or 6 oxycodone 30mg pills within a couple hours and feel a slight buzz. Even though at 75, I probably have a couple years on you, I have been on a prescription of 3 X 30 mg Oxy-Contin per day since Nov I had to convince my doctor to keep getting them.

Been using anesthetic mouthwash and gel. Dr said to take Max 4 Endone per 24hrs. I feel concerned about taking double what the Dr said. The pain relief of endone seems to only last about 3hrs. As already stated on here , My partner tuck 4 20 mll tablets and it killed her. Yet 80 mill killed her.

So please never take or experiment with this drug as it will kill you. I am on a day fast and slow release. It takes all my control to stick to it , as the drug demands you want more all the time.

And i have been on it for 17 months. I am 52 and have been told its for life. BUT there are long term terrible effects that this drug causes. So long term my future is not bright. So i would ask Shelly , that you stay of it , unless there is no alternative. I have been on 3 X 30 mg 90 Mg per day since Nov as stated above.

I think I have a fairly good grip on things, and have reduced my dosage to 3 X half a tab a couple of years ago, but keep taking them for the very small high I get. I am not trying to lead anybody down the wrong path, just telling the truth. Whilst I did not necessarily agree with him and his method he told me that it is more humane giving his 17 year old sick cat two 20mg of oxynorm, as he said, it will put the cat into a deep sleep and he will then pass as his breathing will slow and then stop I would like to know if this is true, regarding the cat going to sleep and passing over.

Could someone please help me with this conundrum. Yours in Faith, Robbie. Ivana Addiction Blog 6: Please take her to the vet, this process may be a torture to the poor animal that was a loving pet for almost two decades. That is not prescribed? Ivana Addiction Blog 1: OxyContin does influence the way the brain functions, but these changes are reversible. Especially at the rate and dose you are taking the medication, you cannot expect any significant brain or other organ damages.

Recently a friend was put on 5 mg twice per day when she fell over and broke her Femur, Upper leg bone and she is My 30 mg 3 times a day makes her dose look like peanuts.

I cut my Tabs into halves and quarters, and recently reduced my dosage down to 3 quarters of a tab, 3 times per day and they seemed to work the same. I am not recommending my little experiments, but after nearly 4 years on Oxy-Contin I have learnt how to get the most out of them.

Yes I am hooked, but in control. Ivana, I hope you can publish my little waffle, as I would like to see other peoples responses. I have tried three pills and the three again the next day and some times a little more. It relaxes me and I like the way it makes me feel.

Can I have a greater risk of dying or am I ok as long as I dont over use them? Having said that you can learn to manage the medication. For example, if like me on 3 x 30 mg per day Almost 4 years , your original pain problem goes away and you suddenly realise you are taking the Oxy-Contin because you are hooked.

After about 2 weeks I have settled down to that much and reduced to half a tab X 3 times per day. In a nutshell it is all manageable if you are determined. Sometimes when I am there he wants more. I am worried he takes too much, since I see 40 pills a night gone the next day.

That is a large amount of oxycodone taken throughout the night. If the medication is no longer providing pain relief, which tends to happen as tolerance grows, he should be switched to another medication that will provide pain relief without him having to take that much.

Discuss this issue with a doctor. How can a doctor even be prescribing someone over Oxycodones a month? I am up to taking 35 oxycodone 30mg at a time, Times a day. My first detox was in June , that time I was taking mgs a dose 3 times a day. That was my worst experience. After that, I only ever took mgs a time Times a day. My question is, being I am taking so much, will the next detox be even worse?

I am so afraid because in all 15 attempts I always went back to the pills, so if I try again am I just going through the torture for nothing? Is there any place that does sedated detox? You can call the helpline number displayed on our page to get in touch with our trusted addiction treatment providers and explain your past experiences and needs.

The point is to find adequate treatment approach and a program that will meet your recovery needs, as well as your economical possibilities. Relapse is a part of recovery! I am prescribed 10mg every 8 hours and I took 2. Is that a fatal amount?

I am itchy, cold and breathing relaxed. I also take lorazapam. Should I be concerned? However, from my personal experience there are no set dosages as every individual is different. From what I can see it is up to the individual. I did it with the help of the patches, and it was easy in the end. Does anybody know of any similar aids like patches , that can assist with getting off the Oxy-Contin monster? I was rushed to hospital yesterday morning after taking my morning medication and not a lot of sleep.

I was struggling to breath and my obs were everywhere. I was treated for a possible clot in my lung but on returning g to the pulmonary unit the next day this was rules out.

The doctor said it could have been the tablets but I am still anxious and concentrating a lot on my breathing. My oxygen levels were Anything I say would be just a speculation as I cannot examine you or run any tests to see where the problem lies. Have you had your appointment with the pulmonologist? I am normally on 80mg a day. What should I do? I think just sleep it off. I just blipped out for a minute. I do NOT drink or take anything not Rx.

I want my life back, I have no friends, disassociated with everyone, I just always want to be left alone at home. Can anyone help or have any good suggestions. Thank you Kathy 9: Have you been taking the medication for a while now or are you opioid naive? Call your doctor or call the free helpline number to get in touch with a poison expert from the Poison Control Center.

First it was Vicodin until, during and after hip replacement. I had horrible headaches and my doctor prescribed Fentanyl Patch 50, then 75, then I tried to stop taking, with a decreasing dose. The first time my doctor just told me to stop taking it. My husband called the pharmacist, and he told me to put a patch on right away.

I have epilepsy and thought I might have a seizure. Then she started me on Oxicontin 20 mg in morning, then again at night. And Oxycodone 10 mg. I have COPD-never smoked, mitochondrial myopathy,sleep apnea, depression, insomnia and I take Zofran for nausea daily. I also have encephalopathy. I am still in agony…migraines daily and feel no one but God cares.

I am an invalid now and feel worthless and contemplating not waking up…it just seems like the only thing I can do. I am a burden to my family, my medical pres. When you take oxycodone daily for a number of weeks or months, you can develop physical dependency to the drug. Once dependence is formed, you will experience withdrawal whenever you lower the usual dose or try to quit cold turkey. Addiction is on a totally different level involving obsessing over obtaining and compulsive urge to use oxycodone.

So basically I can take 8 a day spread out over the entire day. I DO have severe pain issues and legitimately need the pain meds. It is not uncommon for me to take all 8 at one time. I have never had a problem as I slowly worked my way up to that does. Seeing as I am used to taking 8 do you think there is still a possibility of a dangerous overdose by taking 2 more than I ever have at one time before.

I do know that I am running close to the max daily acetaminophen but I am more concerned about the 10 Percocets versus the max of 8 I have ever taken in the past. I have read quite a few of the questions and answers on here. Thank you in advance for any answers you can give me. Gave me increased frequency of oxycodone, fleroril for pain. I have RA now for 50 years.

So you can imagine the multiple medications daily as well as anti-biotics,. Anti-depressants, cortisone My pain level through the night was 8 and with an attempt to bring it down have probably taken over what I should d have. My oxygen level bounces around between and She was up to 30 a day and 5 years ago she switched to oxy. She is soooo skinny and looks really sick. She looks like a addict now. She steals, lies, and does whatever she has to do to get them. I fear for her safety. She has been to rehab once but only stayed clean for 4 months.

She gets really angry when I bring it up. Any suggestions marty 1: Your more likely to suffer effects of the tylanol than the oxycodone. My wife suffered a brain aneurysm which is why she needs such large dosages Jodi We believe this unexpected death needs to be investigated and have been given a cause of death if an individual had not been taking the medication for a long period of time. The individual was being treated for chronic pain and had taken oxycodone for over 10yr and has blood tests showing higher levels than detected prior to sudden, unexpected death… All the information I have been able to obtain indicates an individual who has been taking this medication has developed a high tolerance for the medication and the level detected was in the lower range without a increased tolerance level.

I take up to 60 milligrams of perks a day any kind and smoke a lot of weed to get high! This drug addiction has gone so far that I have thoughts and voices in my head telling me to do bad things I think the oxycodone is screwing up my head and my health! I accidently overdosed on oxy. Is there another way I can get back on my pain meds. Tylenol arthritis does not work. I had surgery on my foot. Just wondering if I should be good or not. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Amazing, how quick people are to judge others when they have never been in their shoes or experienced the pain to know the true, and real reason we are required to take pain meds.

I feel like we are classified as pill heads or drug seekers. They just have no clue. Your story really made me think of how we all have problems in the general area of pain, and having to take meds.

Could you possibly take online classes with your local community college? I never thought I was smart enough to attend or could pay for it, but with a lot of time and perserverance I have been able to make this long time dream of mine a reality!! I have severe back problems, and I have always done physical labor for work in past, but I have decided to get training in office administration-medical.

My goal is to work somewhere one day that I can work with elderly. Guess what I am getting at, where there is a will there is a way! Thank you again for sharing. Pain and depression go hand in hand, and are like best friends, you know?!! I hope you can get around some of the hurdles that are holding you back, and just get your foot in the door to your dreams! I am also considering taking painting classes somewhere, like water colors.

I think it will be very helpful to take mind of pain, and problems. Plus create a master piece to be proud of! I hope my message to you may have helped you also in some small way, Taylor, Take care, and best of luck in the future!

My hands are cold and my breathing is shallow. I have been having pain all yesterday and last night. Should I call a hospital? My anxiety is keeping me awake, and my neck is cramping up badly. I take usually 6 pills a day, but I have weaned down the past few months to two and a half a day. But, you cannot drive in this state, so please ask someone you trust to drive you. I am concern that she is getting more she need. I do have problems breathing at night and I have sleep apnea too.

I am prescribe 30 mg. Many times I am in so much pain I take both the morphine and oxycodone together at night before I go to bed. I am aware of my breathing problem and it was reported to me I quit breathing as many as 74 times a night while asleep. I have been on this quantity of meds for about 5 years. I worry all the time about suffocating at night while asleep I always awake gasping for air but some night I may not.

I am prescribed 10 a day. I always run out a week or two early. I would advise anyone who is about to get on pain meds to not. Very hard to stop Patricia 6: I have been on 30mg Oxy-contin 3 times per day since Nov Yes, I am hooked. I few months ago after worrying about it for a long time, and not sure if my Doc will keep suppling me I decided to see if I could get off them if I had to. This is what I did, even though I went back onto my 3 X 30mg regime because of my Lower back and feet pain.

I bought a tablet splitter from the local Chemist shop. Then I reduced to three quarters of a tab, 3 x per day for 15 days. Then half a tab for 15 days, then a quarter tab and I was going along fairly well.

I only caved in because of my pain, but had reduced my dependence on the Oxy-Contin. It helps if you record your progress on the side of the fridge with a white board marker. Do you think based on my info I am okay?

I have been prescribed 2 slow releasing drugs since I have been going to the pain center, Opana and Nucenta. Neither seem to work for me. I have lumbar degeneration and scoliosis. I take many meds, some for my pain, too numerous to mention.

I go to the pain center tomorrow Friday, September 18, I know, short notice. I am very tolerant to opiods. However these past 8 months it staryed out once a week taking more abd has growed into a addiction and i take all dofferent amoubts usually my normal in 1 dose i take about mg oxycodone once every 3 -4 days moxed with 1mg ativan tablets a mild xanax so tonight i took mg of oxycodone and 5 ativan so i took slightly more of both its been over an hour and i dont feel to dofferent just a normal high but am scared to go to bed advice asap would be apprciated my question is should i worry if so gow mch enough to go to er the thing is my girlfriend or family is unawae of my addiction so its hard to go to er but like i said i feel fine but am scared do you guys think i will be ok honest answers please thanks so much for any info i can recieve back thabks so so so much ….

I have spoken to my Dr about this and she is more concerned about her license. I told her the medication looses potentcy as its delivered by UPS in their hot trucks then left in doorway till I get home. So as you can see 15mg is prob like 5mg so you can see why its possible of overdose by time. Let me know what you think? The surgery did ZIP! So, I now had degenerative disc disease, SI joint dysfunction with bone spurs on each joint, vacuum phenomena, and both joints just crap.

I also have various other back diseases but my SI joints were the worse. I am only prescribed Morphine ER 30mgs 2 times a day and Oxycodone 10mgs 3 times a day 4 times a day is the max you can be prescribed. I cannot walk and use a wheelchair to get around. I am only able and allowed to sit upright 1 hr a day so I spend almost all day in my bed with pillows under my knees.

I have high bp now because of the pain. I cannot be a mom to the 4 children at home. I do homeschool our youngest 2 because we want this so I will do whatever is needed to make this happen. These meds are barely making a sent in my pain. But I would never leave my kids like that so I sit here with tears in my eyes because I have no life.

She is completely out of it. If I was 21 and she was drinking liquor, I might be laughing but I take things a little more serious now. Is 30mg iv injected for a muscular lb 39 year old woman an amount to br worried about. Please help with any viable advice. It is hard to talk to folks about pain when they do not know the pain you are in. I was 31 when my back went out. So now 11 years later I am disabled and am seeing pain management doctors.

I have been on everything from morphine methadone, flexoril, and many more. And people see me take all these and assume I am abusing, when in fact I have developed such a tolerance that even taking more it sometimes just barely touches the pain. So I just wanna say I feel your pain guys and gals. Thanks for taking the time and sharing. I am concerned about overdose. Can you tell me how much it would take for him to overdose. I am on10 mg OxyContin x4 day now, as well as Xanax 0. I am 5 feet tall and weigh lbs.

That would be the lowest amount of opiate i ever saw cause death. Most people could tolerate much higher doses. I had trouble breathing and felt really sick. I have woken up today and still feel dizzy and sick. Should I see a doctor? I understand that there is nothing worse than the non-stop pain, but I strongly advise you to only take your medication as prescribed by your doctor.

If you are having a hard time functioning with the pain, go and see your doctor, so you both can find a way to successfully treat the chronic pains. Would a 10 cause an overdose if this happened? I never do anything other than swallow them whole.

Sometimes the side effects are almost too strong to cope with. Should this be of concern? Would a 10mg cause an overdose if this happened? What might happen if a lb women who is a opitate addict who has been in recovery for 5 months snorted 4 30ml tablets of Oxycodone at one time?

I took 10mg at 8am. Then 10mg at 6: Then 25mg at 1: Then 10mg at 2: I can respond in a professional manner or as a person with chronic spinal pain and on Oxycontin too.

I unfortunately worked with him. Now i have multiple spinal fractures and fusions and discs collapsing. Chronic pain that goes through all areas of my spine and back. Life gets too hard!!! Certainly in my life they will never know it all. I am in my mid 50s. I found this page because i was reading about suicide. Many times i can not go on with the pain and the tolerance develops to what medications we take, there is no one to go to for help, so what do we do?

This weekend is a bad one, I would rather be with my family members across the rainbow bridge. I will leave 3 beautiful dogs here until there time comes.

But hopefully my family will be waiting for me. I know how a lot of you feel, the dose that will work depends on so many variables as the moderator of this site has stated. I read in one comment that at least one of you has a good Doctor, that is mandatory!!!!!!!!!!! Your GP can be your saving grace! If you get the right one. Be truthful, honest, and say exactly what you mean and feel to your care provider — NO Games. I know mine has pushed the boundaries to help me the most he can, however, i still find this weekend too much on my own.

All i can see is that we need more support from reasonable practitioners and other people going through the same problems. Pain Management specialists as you are so aptly named — wake up to yourselves, not everyone is a drug abuser, they may be physically addicted from long term use of opioids but only use them for pain relief.

I am well aware you cannot divide the psychological from the physical. Those people in chronic pain need strong pain relief and proper help, not just ridiculing because they are prescribed narcotics. Coping with life and pain is not easy and i have no great answers for either. At least i hope there is no pain where we are going.

Had a very hard time staying awake, heart rate was very much slowed down, could not walk, and I assume my breathing was slow as well. Was I close to death? Because it felt like it. The next day I felt sick and I threw up. My son married a woman then decided she wanted out of the marriage.

She left my son. He was dependent on pain meds too. My son OD on fentanyl also took some anti anxiety drugs with it. I beleive my son did not want to die he wanted the pain to end. It has left me so sad with missing him.

The answer can never be found with death for that is final. Keep looking and keep hoping you never know what will really happen next. I try to tell myself that, because my pain is in my heart it will never heal. I have pain as well I have had cervical fusion gone bad and have just been given oxy to manage my pain. I am so sorry your ex treated you so badly. You are a person with a good heart I can tell. I see you even try to help others here on the site. I can surely tell you that your son did not blame you for anything, and would not want you to blame yourself.

Unfortunately, you cannot know for sure unless there is evidence that points to her being suicidal or if she left a note. Have you told them how much pain and how sick your getting from this big decrees? My surgeon put in an appeal in August and we got denied again. I went to see surgeon 2 weeks ago because of increased pain but he said aside from surgery there is nothing that can be done. I go back to pain doc in Feb.

I wish we all lived closer so we could meet and encourage each other. My husband and my kids have become the only friends I have. I ache to hear how some of you see ending it all as the only way out of your hell. Please hang on and if you ever need to talk or you are about to end your life I am happy to give my cell number.

I will shut up for now but please know you are not alone!! Lydia Addiction Blog Hope that our readers will find your message inspiring. Fast forward a few months I was on 20mg 3 times a day. Less that a year later my body deed mg 10 x 20mg a day…and you know what,there is no euphoria.

You can ingest boxes of the stuff and feel like you just woken up from sleep. THAT is the reason I stopped smoking marijuana 24 years ago. I would smoked and smoked but here is no euphoria! Then you can remain at the lower doses, sparing money and your life. The problem is, a person wants to be on a high the whole day…every day. Get that idea our of your mind and rather use OxyNorm as a reward for something you have achieved. I tell you, there was a time where I took 7 20mg tablets in the morning when I wake up and still more during the day.

So taper off OxyNorm and use it maybe 3 time a week. The buzz it much better. She had an opioid addiction for a long time, but was getting meds for chronic pain the last several years for her back. However, the coroner found ml of oxycontin in her system, and 17 ml of klonapin. If anyone has any comments, or thoughts, I would appreciate hearing from you. Thanks Lydia Addiction Blog So,I will shorten it up. Myou insurance carrier wants me to see a psychiatrist, because,there has to be a reason I need pain medication.

Typically these recreational doses will contain 20mg of Oxy at the absolute most. Am I facing any serious health risks? He did not abuse his medication and his death was ruled accidental. What are other reasons that could cause his body not to expel the medication at a fast enough rate? Lydia Addiction Blog 4: They were from my surgery on February I feel fine now, five hours after I took them. Just a tad shaky still. I am tired but it is also 1 am.

I am scared that I took to big of a dose and am afraid if I fall asleep I will stop breathing, should I stay awake? I have been currently snorting oxycodone 10mg pink pill twice a day for about three weeks. Along with it, I have experienced great feelings but also little muscle spasms here and there. But is 2 a day too much? And I way about lbs. Needing advise please julian 1: I have had degenerative disc disease for over 20 years. I have constant, unremitting pain in my back,shoulders,and legs.

I have taken heavy duty painkillers for years, and the last 8 I have take 80mg of oxycontin,twice a day,along with dihydrocodeine, paracetamol,lyrica,propanolol,and several others. I have been married for 7 years. My wife says that I am totally different to how I was when she met me9 years ago. I know that mentally I have slowed down;I have trouble remembering things,cannot concentrate on anything like a book for more than a few minutes at a time.

I have stopped driving because I have dozed off at the wheel. Yet with all this medication the pain has just gotten worse and worse. My legs are agony. Recently I cannot bear the weight of our duvet pressing down on my legs;its like a thousand redhot needles being stuck into me. Why take all this medication? All I can see is my marriage ending and then,what? I think more and more about suicide…I know how to do it.

This form of oxycodone is not for use on an as-needed basis for pain. Slideshow Chronic Pain Management: A Healthcare Professional's Guide Important Information You should not use oxycodone if you have severe asthma or breathing problems, or a blockage in your stomach or intestines.

Oxycodone can slow or stop your breathing, and may be habit-forming. Taking this medicine during pregnancy may cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in the newborn. Fatal side effects can occur if you use this medicine with alcohol, or with other drugs that cause drowsiness or slow your breathing. Before taking this medicine You should not use oxycodone if you are allergic to it, or if you have: You should not use oxycodone unless you are already using a similar opioid medicine and are tolerant to it.

Most brands of this medicine are not approved for use in people under OxyContin should not be given to a child younger than 11 years old. To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have ever had: Some medicines can interact with oxycodone and cause a serious condition called serotonin syndrome. Be sure your doctor knows if you also take stimulant medicine, herbal products , or medicine for depression , mental illness, Parkinson's disease , migraine headaches, serious infections, or prevention of nausea and vomiting.

Ask your doctor before making any changes in how or when you take your medications. If you use oxycodone while you are pregnant, your baby could become dependent on the drug. This can cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in the baby after it is born. Babies born dependent on habit-forming medicine may need medical treatment for several weeks.

Oxycodone can pass into breast milk and may cause drowsiness, breathing problems, or death in a nursing baby. How should I use oxycodone? Take oxycodone exactly as prescribed. Follow all directions on your prescription label.

Oxycodone can slow or stop your breathing, especially when you start using this medicine or whenever your dose is changed. Never take in larger amounts, or for longer than prescribed. Tell your doctor if the medicine seems to stop working as well in relieving your pain. This raises your risk of side effects. Your doctor may start you on a lowered dose or a different dosing schedule.

This can help keep levels of this drug from building up too much in your body. Oxycodone extended-release tablets Adult dosage ages 18—64 years Typical starting dosage: Child dosage ages 11—17 years Oxycodone extended-release tablets can only be used for certain children in this age range. These are children that have taken and tolerated opioid medications for at least five days in a row. Your child's doctor will determine their dosage based on the opioid drug your child had already taken.

Dosage warnings Stopping therapy: When stopping treatment after using oxycodone for a long time, your doctor should slowly lower your dosage. They should monitor for symptoms of withdrawal. Symptoms can include restlessness, tearfulness, runny nose, or yawning. They can also include sweating, chills, muscle pain, or dilated pupils enlarged dark centers of your eyes. Your doctor will determine the equivalent matching dosage of oxycodone.

This will be based on the strength of your previous opioid medication. Special dosage considerations For people with liver disease: Our goal is to provide you with the most relevant and current information. However, because drugs affect each person differently, we cannot guarantee that this list includes all possible dosages. This information is not a substitute for medical advice. Always speak with your doctor or pharmacist about dosages that are right for you.

Warnings FDA warnings This drug has black box warnings. Black box warnings alert doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous. Addiction and misuse warning: Use of all forms of oxycodone can lead to addiction and misuse. This can result in overdose or death. Decreased breathing rate warning: For certain people, accidentally taking even one dose of any form of oxycodone can lead to overdose or death. Using any form of oxycodone for a prolonged period during pregnancy can lead to withdrawal symptoms in your newborn child.

Symptoms include irritability, overactive behaviors, or an abnormal sleep pattern. They also include high-pitched crying, tremors, vomiting, diarrhea, or failure to gain weight. Using any form of oxycodone with certain drugs can increase the levels of oxycodone in your body.

This can lead to an increase in side effects, or death.

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