As noted above, oxycodone should only be used as prescribed by your health professional. If you take it upon yourself to make your own rules, it could end up causing you harm. For this reason, you should not stop taking it until you discuss your concerns with your doctor. Are you Trying to Conceive? Anybody who is trying to have a baby must pay attention to the drugs they are putting into their body, including prescription medications such as oxycodone.
There are no clinical studies on oxycodone effects on fertility. It is a narcotic, opioid morphine-like medication. Animal studies indicate that oxycodone is unlikely to cause birth defects. It is important to note that oxycodone is available by itself or in combination with one or more other active ingredients.
The other active ingredients which vary, depending on the particular product may have other pregnancy Category ratings and may cause other problems when used during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category B The U.
Food and Drug Administration FDA uses a pregnancy category system to classify the possible risks to a fetus when a specific medicine is taken during pregnancy. Pregnancy Category B is given to medicines that have not been adequately studied in pregnant humans, but do not appear to cause harm to the fetus in animal studies. Medications that have been shown to be safe for use in pregnancy in humans but have caused problems in laboratory animals are also given a Category B rating. When given to pregnant animals, oxycodone did not seem to increase the risk of birth defects or other problems.
Very limited human studies also suggest that oxycodone does not seem to cause birth defects in humans. However, oxycodone is a narcotic, and using this drug during the end of a pregnancy may cause narcotic withdrawal in the infant after delivery.
Such withdrawal symptoms may include: Had been taking them for over a year And they both agreed to taper me off. But not right away, they said that it will not hurt the baby, but that I need to be off completely by last trimester I took myself off the percocets completely So just keep that in mind.
I am on a very low dose now I only take 1 miligram a day but I am terrified. I have been trying to get off the 1 miligram a day for a year and can not seem to do it. I feel like a horrible person. I also have been having pain in the mornings. Despite its benefits, taking oxycodone while breastfeeding can still cause harmful consequences in infants. An infant who receives breast milk with traces of oxycodone can experience side effects that may include: Sleepiness Lethargy Trouble breastfeeding If a breastfeeding mother is addicted to oxycodone, it is difficult for her to stop using the drug.
Addiction is a disease that is hard to manage. Infants who receive breast milk from mothers addicted to opioids are at an increased risk of experiencing the harmful effects of these drugs when compared with newborns who receive breast milk from mothers who take oxycodone as instructed.
If you are prescribed oxycodone while breastfeeding, be sure to take the medication as instructed by your physician. Taking oxycodone in higher doses or for longer than directed can have negative effects on you and your infant.
Alternatives to Taking Oxycodone While Pregnant Opioids are often used after labor, particularly after cesarean section surgery. According to a study by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, 91 percent of women who had a cesarean delivery needed opioids to relieve pain. On average, it took nine days for these mothers to stop using opioids. Instead of prescribing opioids, some physicians use an anesthetic called bupivacaine treat post-pregnancy pain in female patients.
Inserting the anesthetic at the area of the cesarean incision can relieve pain for several days. According to the drug company Pacira Pharmaceuticals, bupivacaine reduces opioid consumption by 78 percent.
While studies associated with bupivacaine have not found its presence in breast milk to cause adverse reactions in infants, you should consult with your doctor before using the anesthetic. Research has also indicated that relaxation techniques can help reduce pain. These exercises include deep-breathing techniques, self-hypnosis and biofeedback. Biofeedback involves using electronic devices to consciously control body functions like breathing or heart rate.
Yoga is another popular relaxation technique used to mitigate pain. Yoga involves body poses and breathing exercises that calm the body and mind. However, it is important to speak with your yoga instructor prior to participation so that he or she can help you avoid movements that could exacerbate your pain. Treatment for Oxycodone Addiction Oxycodone addiction can affect many aspects of your life.
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