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Weight loss with spironolactone. M.D. recommended

Weight loss with spironolactone - Side Effects

I am nervous about what will happen when I decide to go off of spironolactone and also about the potential affects to birth, but for the meantime, I will continue with this. Make it through those awful first couple of months and you will be glad you stuck it out! It did help my acne. I had just gotten to a weight that I was finally feeling ok about for the first time in years.

I did initially lose a few pounds of water weight but gained lbs. This med was the only change that was made so I know this was the cause. I had cystic acne for years, since puberty. In my early 30's, my cystic acne was so painful and humiliating that I wanted to quit my job. I had a dermatologist that kept prescribing antiobiotic medication and topicals.

Finally, he retired, and I was transferred to a new, young doctor. She took a look at my acne and said that it looks hormonal, and prescribed this drug. I have been taking 50 mg of spironolactone for the last 7 years. I rarely get pimples anymore, and I never get cystic acne anymore. I often go without makeup, which was unheard of before. I was on the med for about 6 months. I noticed some weight gain a few months later but didn't really think much of it. But then the weight started to become more rapid.

It came to a point where I was gaining 10 lbs every 2 weeks. My eating habits and physical activity never changed. So I decided to stop taking it. Its been about a month already since I stopped.

I have gained 40 lbs within the 6 months of taking it. I am overweight now and am very depressed from this. I have lost 5 lbs so far. Has anyone ever experience weight loss after stopping this med?? If so how long does it take to get back to pre-med weight? I have always been obsessed with my weight and having clear skin but I guess I prefer being skinny with acne than the other way around. The weight gain is too much.

Since taking this medication 2 months ago, I've gained 8 lbs, which is very unusual for me. I am kind of freaking out here. I like having clear skin, but I don't want to see this weight gain out of control. It's not worth it to me. I work too hard to maintain my figure. The purpose of this drug is to lower the levels of aldosterone. Aldosterone is a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal glands.

This hormone is very important because of the fact that it aids he process of regulation of balance of electrolytes and bodily fluids in the bloodstream. Apart from that, this hormone is also responsible for the re-absorption of sodium in the body and it helps with the excretion of potassium. Too much of anything cannot be good for the health and the same goes for the excessive amount of this hormone as well.

This may result in weight loss for a temporary period. The Bottom Line Balancing optimal body weight maintaining ideal BMI score or losing belly fat and body weight requires conscious efforts from you on a regular basis. Healthy living style, diets , and adequate physical exercises are necessary to keep you fit and healthy.

Popping up prescription pills like Spironolactone Aldactone for weight loss is not healthy. It is not a fat loss medicine or diet pill. Some patients might experience a temporary reduction in body weight because of the diuretic nature of this pill and decrease in appetite as its side effect. The side effects of Aldactone and the electrolyte imbalance caused by it may produce serious harm to the body. At best, a person can lose 5 pounds of body weight by relieving the water retention in the body impacted by this pill.

Aldactone pills are exclusively meant for treating specific medical conditions and not for weight loss.

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