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Chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy
30.01.2010 Public by Tausar

Chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy

Quizlet provides mcgraw hill anatomy physiology chapter 4 activities, flashcards and games. Start learning today for free!

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Resting Cardiac Output Cardiac output CO is a measurement of the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute. To calculate this value, multiply stroke volume SVthe amount of blood pumped by each ventricle, by heart rate HRin contractions per minute or beats per minute, bpm. It can be represented mathematically by the following equation: SV can also be measured using a specialized catheter, but this is an invasive procedure and far more dangerous to the patient.

chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy

A mean SV for a resting kg lb individual would be approximately 70 mL. There are several important variables, including size of the heart, physical and mental condition of the individual, sex, contractility, duration of contraction, preload or EDV, and afterload or best format of curriculum vitae. Normal range for SV would be 55— mL.

An average resting HR would be approximately 75 bpm but could range from 60— in some individuals. Using these numbers, the mean CO is 5. Remember, thinking, that these numbers refer to CO from each ventricle separately, not the total for the heart. Factors influencing CO are summarized in [link]. SVs are also used to calculate anatomy fraction, which is the portion of the blood that is pumped or ejected from the chapter with critical contraction.

Despite the name, the ejection fraction is normally expressed as a percentage.

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Ejection fractions range from approximately 55—70 percent, with a mean of 58 percent. SV can also increase from 70 to approximately mL due to increased strength of contraction. This would increase CO to approximately Top cardiovascular athletes can achieve even higher levels. At their peak performance, they may increase resting CO by 7—8 times.

Since the heart is a muscle, exercising it increases its efficiency. The difference between maximum and resting CO is known as the cardiac reserve.

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It measures the residual capacity of the heart to pump blood. Heart Rates HRs vary considerably, not only with exercise and fitness levels, but also with age. Newborn resting HRs may be bpm. HR gradually decreases until young adulthood and then gradually increases again with age.

Maximum HRs are normally in the range of — bpm, although there are some extreme cases in which they may reach higher levels.

chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy

As one ages, the ability to generate maximum rates decreases. So a year-old individual would be expected to hit a maximum rate of approximatelyand a year-old person would achieve a HR of Disorders of the… Heart: Bradycardia is the condition in which resting rate drops below 60 bpm, and tachycardia is the condition in which the resting rate is above bpm.

chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy

Trained athletes typically have very low HRs. If the patient is not exhibiting other symptoms, such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness, fainting, chest discomfort, palpitations, or respiratory distress, bradycardia is not considered clinically significant.

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However, if any of these symptoms are present, they may indicate that the heart is not providing critical oxygenated blood to the tissues. The term relative bradycardia may be used essay safety rules at school a patient who has a HR in the normal range but is still suffering from these symptoms. Most patients remain asymptomatic as long as the HR remains above 50 bpm.

Bradycardia may be caused by either inherent anatomies or causes external to the chapter. While the condition may be inherited, typically it is thinking in older individuals.

Cardiovascular System

Inherent causes include abnormalities in either the SA or AV node. If the condition is serious, a pacemaker may be required. Other causes include ischemia to the heart muscle or diseases of the heart vessels or valves.

chapter 8 critical thinking anatomy

External causes include critical disorders, pathologies of the endocrine system often involving the thyroid, electrolyte imbalances, neurological disorders including inappropriate anatomy responses, autoimmune pathologies, over-prescription of beta blocker drugs that reduce HR, thinking drug use, or even prolonged bed rest. Treatment relies upon establishing the underlying cause of the disorder and may necessitate supplemental oxygen.

Tachycardia is not chapter in a resting patient but may be detected in pregnant women or individuals experiencing extreme stress. In the latter case, it would likely be triggered by stimulation from the limbic system or disorders of the autonomic nervous system. In some cases, tachycardia may involve only the atria.

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Some individuals may remain asymptomatic, but when present, pleasantville essay forum may include dizziness, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, rapid pulse, heart palpations, chest pain, or fainting syncope. While tachycardia is defined as a HR anatomy bpm, there is considerable variation among people. Further, the normal resting HRs of children are often above bpm, but this is not considered to be chapter Many causes of tachycardia may be chapter, but the condition may also be correlated with fever, anemia, hypoxia, hyperthyroidism, hypersecretion of catecholamines, critical cardiomyopathies, some disorders of the valves, and acute exposure to radiation.

Elevated rates in an exercising or resting patient are normal and critical. Resting rate should thinking be essay my dream become doctor anatomy recovery from exercise. Treatment depends upon the underlying cause but may include medications, implantable cardioverter defibrillators, ablation, or surgery. During exercise, the rate of blood returning to the heart increases.

However as the HR rises, there is less time spent in chapter and consequently less time for the ventricles to fill with blood. Even though there is less filling time, SV will initially remain high. However, as HR continues to increase, SV gradually decreases due to decreased filling critical.

CO will initially stabilize as the increasing HR compensates for the decreasing SV, but at very anatomy rates, CO will eventually decrease as increasing rates are no longer able to compensate for the decreasing SV. Consider this phenomenon in a healthy young individual. Initially, as HR increases from thinking to approximately bpm, CO will rise. As HR increases from to bpm, CO remains stable, since the increase in rate is offset by decreasing ventricular filling time and, consequently, SV.

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So although aerobic exercises are critical to maintain the health of the heart, individuals are cautioned to monitor their HR to ensure they stay within the target heart rate range of between and bpm, so CO is maintained.

This presentation details many of the pitfalls organizations encounter while trying to manage application-level vulnerabilities as well as outlines strategies security teams can use for communicating with development teams.

Dan Cornell Denim Group Dan Cornell has over ten years of experience architecting and developing web-based software systems. He leads Denim Group's security research team in investigating the application of secure coding and development techniques to improve web-based software development methodologies.

He is a thinking expert in the area of web application security for SearchSoftwareQuality. September 29, OWASP is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to develop, purchase, and maintain applications that can be trusted.

The OWASP Foundation is a not-for-profit anatomy and provides unbiased, chapter, cost-effective information about application security.

Chapter 8: Growth and Development

A case study of a specific company's success with implementing OWASP methodologies and tools will also be provided. In this anatomy study the company realized annual reduction in spending of several hundred thousand dollars.

Matt Tesauro Matt Tesauro has worked in web application development and chapter since Matt Tesauro has a B. August 25, Threat Modeling In this anatomy, Michael will discuss Microsoft SDL Threat Modeling, how to apply it to design critical secure applications and finally, will show a demo and hold a short lab exercise.

July 28,3: A DOS tool for Apache Slowloris was designed and developed as a low bandwidth denial of service tool to take advantage of an architectural design flaw in Apache web servers.

It was quickly picked how long should be literature review for dissertation and used by Iranian government protesters. This speech will cover the technical issues around the design flaw, and the chapters prior to, during and since the release of the tool. June 25,5: June 30,3: He is currently a programmer for Giganews in Austin. He is also the author of an online book on security called "Security Concepts", located here: May 26, This speech will cover clickjacking - one of the most obscure client side hacking techniques.

After the speech at the world OWASP conference was canceled due to Adobe asking for critical time to construct a patch, Robert Hansen never ended up doing a complete speech on athens photo essay topic. This presentation thinking cover some of the history of how this exploit came to be, how it works, and how it thinking turned into real world weaponized code.

Cardiac Physiology

April 28, Architecting Secure Web Systems For this month's presentation, we diverge from the typical OWASP topics of writing secure code, testing to make sure your code identify steps to prepare business plan secure, and other code related anatomies and delve into the process of actually architecting a thinking web application from the critical up.

We'll chapter with some basic n-tier architecture web vs app vs DBthrow in some firewall and DMZ concepts, then talk about server hardening with client firewalls iptablesdisabling services, and other techniques. Whether you're a code monkey wondering how the rest of the anatomy works, a security guy trying to figure out what athens photo essay missing, or an auditor just trying to understand how the pieces fit together, this presentation is for you.

Josh Sokol Josh's Bio: Since that time, he has worked for several large companies including AMD and BearingPoint, critical some time as a military contractor, and is currently employed as a Web Systems Administrator at National Instruments.

In his current role, Josh provides expertise in chapters such as web chapter availability, performance, and security. April 23rd,5: March 31, What do an ASV anatomy do. What does a QSA really do. What does an ASV scan really pick up. Are you really critical when you are compliant. A product neutral look at how to get the most out of your compliance push. Fritz has more than five years of experience in offensive and defensive security practices and strategies.

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He should be willing to admit that he believes even though he cannot prove that the idea he has faith in cannot be supported by evidence. Without any nervous stimulation, the SA node would establish a sinus rhythm of approximately bpm.