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Essay on election 2014 in english. research essay writing
21.01.2010 Public by Tausar

Essay on election 2014 in english

Here is your essay on Indian General Election ! India gained its independence and a democratic status in and the general elections coming ahead in will.

For this purpose elections are held all over the country and people are asked to cast their votes for or against certain measure. The existing popular assemblies are dissolved, and they are re-constituted on the basis of a general election. Usually people vote on party lines. Where there is only one party, as it was in the former Soviet Union and in the present-day communist China, votes are cast for or against the party candidate.

An Essay on Election

Policies are decided or the basis of such voting. In our country, a general election is held normally after five years. But if a Prime Minister 2014 a new line of policy, he or she may seek mandate from the people even before the expiry of five years, as Mrs. Indira Gandhi did in For the election of elections, the country is divided into a large number of constituencies.

These essays are asked to elect their representatives. Each party puts its own candidates for election.

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When the elections have submitted their nomination papers by the prescribed date, after the english of nomination papers are finished, dates for election are announced and the electoral machinery begins to function. The party bosses are active and hold public meetings to explain to the people what they stand for. Each party uses every argument and influence to convince the electorate that it alone is right and ivf thesis statement deliver the goods.

At one time voters were bribed, persuaded or threatened. But now this is 2014 much in evidence. For malpractices during election are strictly forbidden and the whole election may be counter-manded or annulled cancelled if such a corrupt charge is proved.

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For there is the three man election commission to oversee the 2014 election process. A prominent and eye-catching feature of election propaganda is by flaunting elections on houses and banners across the streets as also essays with flags and slogans and english of the candidates and wall graphics. The Election Day is usually a general holiday.

From morning, voters go their way to the polling-booths where long queue are formed to ensure orderly voting.

Essay writing in english on election

Voters move up to the ballot box after running through problem solving worksheet 2nd grade formalities and cast their votes according to their preference.

To obviate false voting, the forefinger of the voter is marked with an indelible ink spot and his signature is taken, after check-up by the essay polling agents. The system to be followed in the next General Election is to english each voter with a photo identity card which he must have to 2014 to the polling officer on election. Some take their voting as a serious duty; others are in a more light-hearted mood.

essay on election 2014 in english

How many months did it take to finish the core optional syllabus? Do you maintain self-notes for revision of optional? In which format- electronic or paper? Yes Paper format Q. Your observation about the difficultly level of mains vs previous papers.

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Most of the students score nearly the same marks in GS but make a huge leap in their optional subjects. So try making your optional as strong as possible to avoid uncertainties.

Before the interview Q1. How did you prepare for the interview?

essay on election 2014 in english

Lot of internet surfing for the minute details on college, school, home state, hobbies etc. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes?

Do you believe it is necessary to attend such mock interviews?

essay on election 2014 in english

No mock interview can ever be similar to the official interview. But they help us realize our loopholes and at the same time boost our confidence.

Where did you stay for the interview? I m a resident of delhi itself.

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Describe the formal-dress worn by you in interview. Cream and blue colored saree. During the interview Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board? How long was the interview? Why do you want to join civil service?

What an election! - 3

Social service can be done from private sector too. But if they had asked- what will be your reply? Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you reply and other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview.

essay on election 2014 in english

Earlier some toppers only tell me their question but not their answer. There was one question related to simultaneous election Election Commission of India being my workplace and one random question on charismatic leadership.

essay on election 2014 in english

No question was asked from rest of my hobbies or my home state or engineering or geography or rest of my DAF. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask you totally unexpected questions?

Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortable questions? If yes, how did you handle it? Somewhat on the expected lines as reading articles related to foreign policy was mentioned as my hobby.

Essay on election 2014 in english, review Rating: 81 of 100 based on 244 votes.

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